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A Guide To Purple Gemstones

The purple gemstone has been loved for a long time. Purple is a color that intrigues people. It's often associated with wealth, passion, and power.

Although purple gemstones naturally occur in very few cases, some beautiful and interesting stones can be found in this mysterious color. Purple gemstone or Amethyst as one of the most popular purple gemstones have become widely popular.

Purple gemstones are known for their spiritual properties that aid in healing from many ailments. The effects of purple gemstones on one's mindset are also believed to be positive. They are thought to help with clarity and focus.

As with all gemstones, the colors of purple can vary from one stone to another and no two gems will be exactly alike. Although there are many beautiful purple variants, such as mauve, lilac, and lavender, these are not the most common. They are the rarest and most valuable.

While we associate sapphire with blue gems, purple sapphires can be more rare and valuable. When elements like chromium and chromium are present in the formation of purple sapphires, they are formed. People mistakenly confuse sapphires with amethysts. However, the former is much harder and more durable. They are resistant to chipping and breakage.

Many other sapphires are heat-treated to increase their clarity and color. Because of their amazing natural color, purple sapphires don't need to be treated. 

Purple sapphire, also known as the "stone of awakening", is believed to enhance spiritual power and consciousness. The purple gemstone is a symbol of wisdom and shrewdness and can bring good luck and spiritual insight to its wearer. The gem was believed to be protective in the Middle Ages. Sapphire is a protective stone that also symbolizes loyalty and trust.