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What Is An Automotive Locksmith?

An automotive locksmith is a professional who specializes in creating and breaking locks on cars. They may also be able to program transponder keys and duplicate keys. Automotive locksmiths usually work with regular keys, electronic fobs, and key cards.

If you've ever locked your keys in your car, you know how frustrating it can be. An automotive tradesman can help you get back into your car and on the road again quickly. They can also help if you need a new key made or if you've lost your car key.

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If you're in need of an automotive locksmith, be sure to find one that is certified by the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA). This will ensure that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and effectively work on your car's locking system.

There are a variety of services that an automotive locksmith can offer. Here are some of the most common:

– Key duplication: If you need a spare key for your car, an automotive locksmith can duplicate your existing key.

– Key replacement: If you lose your car keys, an automotive locksmith can create a new key for you.

– Lock picking: If you lock yourself out of your car, an automotive locksmith can help you get back in.

– Ignition repair: If your car's ignition is having problems, an automotive locksmith can fix it.