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Wooden Pallet Service: Learn How To Start The Business

Yes, you can make money by reusing wooden pallets and can do a part-time or full-time business! All you need to get started is a pickup truck or bigger truck or trailer pulled behind the car to get started. Wooden pallets are big business!

Most large companies ship their products by truck and use wooden pallets to hold them all. Wooden pallets cost money as wood is not free and sooner or later most of the pallets meet their fate and end up as sawdust or a fire somewhere. You can also search online to find the best and reliable wooden pallets suppliers Sydney-wide.

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There are companies everywhere buying and selling pallets. The company may have a crew of boys making pallets out of new wood. Some companies that own thousands of dollars’ worth of items don't have to worry about adding a few bucks to a new shiny palette!

Pallet manufacturers clearly don't have the time to use used pallets. Just like a recycling system, you get paid to find it and then sell it for a higher price.

You sell it to the company, the company sells it back to the warehouse, where you then sign a contract with the warehouse to collect their remaining pallets regularly and keep the recycling process going!

Of course, you can drive around the old stretch and pick up a truck! Drive through the alleys and parking lots, look for other pallets and you will find some. But if you do it more professionally and offer the business services they want, then you will be making money from it!