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What Does A Toxin Binder Cost

Mycotoxins, small, stable metabolites that are produced by fungi, can cause contamination to a variety of crops. Mycotoxins can cause food and feed contamination that poses a safety risk to both human and animal health. One example is aflatoxin M1 found in dairy products. This is a very nutritious food in developing nations. 

Here, we are going to talk about what does a toxin binder value

toxin binder

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The International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified aflatoxin M1 as potentially cancer-causing to humans. Mycotoxins can cause significant decreases in livestock performance (feed efficiency, reproduction or growth issues), and therefore revenue losses for farmers.

Mycotoxin bioavailability can be reduced with the help of tools

There are many products on the market that can be used to combat the adverse effects of mycotoxins in livestock industries. There are many products available, from simple mycotoxin-adsorbing agents to complex and sophisticated products. These products all have one thing in common: they can 'adsorb or bind mycotoxins' to animals to lower their bioavailability and reduce their absorption in their systemic circulation.

A mycotoxin can be absorbed by the adsorption capacity

Due to the complexity and variety of adsorbing material and mycotoxins, toxins binding capacities can vary greatly from one product to the next. Aflatoxins are a common ingredient in many agricultural products and cause health problems in many animals. 

For toxin binders most cost between $4 /MT and $8/MT. The net value created can range from being equivalent to $10/MT – $40/MT of feed.