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The Definitive Guide To Men’s Collar Shirts

Collar shirts, cufflinks, polo necks, or whatever you might call them – it's hard to escape the trend of formal wear for men. This trend has been popular among both men and women for a long time. 

Collar shirts can be worn with a variety of different outfits, and they're perfect for occasions where you want to look like you're wearing something special but don't want to go all out with a jacket or suit. To look stylish, you can buy branded collar shirts for men or find modern shirts for sale online at DANDY & SON.

What to look for in a collared shirt

If you're in the market for a new men's collar shirt, there are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure the collar is comfortable and fits your neck snugly. Second, find one with a stylish look that will set you apart from the rest. And finally, consider the fabric and construction materials – they should be both durable and wrinkle-resistant. Here are four tips for finding the perfect collar shirt: 

1. Look for a collared shirt with a snug fit. A good fit means that the collar is tight around your neck but not too tight or too loose – it should fit like a second skin. Make sure to try on a variety of sizes before settling on one. 

2. Look for a collared shirt with a stylish look. This isn't just about finding something that looks good on you – it also has to look good on other people. You might want to consider buying one that has intricate details or is decorated with interesting patterns. Or, if you're more of a simple guy, go for something more understated.