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Which Shopify Theme Is Best For Conversion?

It is essential that you pay attention to conversion rates if you want to have a successful online store. You may be interested in ways to improve your conversion rates if your Shopify store is receiving a lot of traffic but not making as many sales.

Shopify product filter and search helps businesses of all sizes can ride a new wave of increased opportunity with effective search solutions that enhance their shoppers’ experience.  This can be done in a number of ways. 

Shopify product filter and search

Image Source: Google

What is the best Shopify theme for conversion?


The theme Providence was specifically created to increase conversions. The theme is minimalistic and doesn't include any distractions. This allows you to focus on your products. You can display multiple product images on your homepage. This makes it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.


Atlantic is a Shopify theme that converts well and offers you a lot of customization options. Atlantic is a Shopify theme with bold designs that can be scaled to any number of products. Atlantic can organize your products in a way that makes them easy to find for customers.


Shopify's Boost theme is versatile and can be used to give your customers an online shopping experience that feels like they are in-store. Predictive search makes it easy to find the product you're looking for. Color swatches can be displayed on your product pages and in your collection to help customers visualize your products.