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Toilet Seat for Kids- Fostering Independence

It's crucial to inquire about the design, ease of use, cost, durability, easy cleanup, dimensions of the toilet seat. You may either select between the standalone and the potty training toilet chair. 

The toilet seat really is as equally important as visiting the bathroom itself and when a kid is not given toilet training can result in poor hygienic practice and sometimes cause your kid to become unhealthy and ill.

A toilet seat can help them get used to visiting a toilet, as it fosters independence. The toilet seat will also help the baby learn bathroom manners.

Until they get comfortable parents must always hold and/or help their son or daughter while they go to the bathroom.

After the kids get comfortable and once the child is trained, the parents can send the child restroom themselves. 

It's a good idea to use the kid's toilet seat when you have children at home, especially at a young age. It will allow children to be independent when they go to the bathroom. They will also help you get rid of the pain of having a separate pot for your child.

Make them used to this as this will make them used to it and you can then stop using a nappy. Do not be discouraged if that does not work right away. If you're really lucky your children might refuse nappies one evening and begin to go to the toilet.