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What You Should Know About FUE Hair Transplant Surgery?

Hair Loss Psychology in Teenagers and Young Adults

Individuals in their late teens are dealing with post-pubertal physiologic changes. These include the difficulties of seeing the world through a new lens, loss of innocence, school pressure, and peer pressure. These are all psychological stressors that shape and define our humanity.   

Hair Reconstruction Surgery for Teenage and Young Adults 

Young patients considering hair transplants should remember that transplanted hairs will last forever, and the current hair is only temporary. As the patient ages, hair loss will continue to progress. Planning a hair transplant is difficult because it is impossible to predict the rate and extent of hair loss. For that, you can look at this site to talk with a plastic surgeon for hair reconstruction surgery.

This odd pattern may not be reversible if:

1. The patient runs out of donor’s hair. This can be especially problematic in patients who have severe baldness or when the grafted hairline is set too aggressively.

2. The patient is unable to afford further procedures.

Options for Hair Transplant Repairs for Victims of Hair Transplants at Young Age

Unless the transplant was performed on a young patient, the main problem is the loss of donor hair supply. This is often made worse by FUE scars and/or follicular unit strips. A successful and credible repair or restoration of a head donor-depleted patient would require the use of a beard and body hairs in HHT repair. 

Patients who are likely to go through severe baldness in the future should start growing a beard and incorporating body hair into their hair transplant journey. It is possible to successfully repair FUE in young patients who have had poor hair restoration procedures.