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How To Make Curls With A Straightener Quickly?

Some hair straighteners can be used for many hairstyles. Far from the first straighteners that were only used to straighten the hair, most devices today also allow you to curl locks. If you want to find a hair straightener that allows you to make curls quickly, then you can go through reviews of the best hair straightener consumer reports.

Preparation before curling hair with a straightener

To curl your hair with a straightener without damaging it, it is important to do a little preparation. Make sure your hair is clean and perfectly dry. If it gets wet, not only will the curls not hold, but you will burn your hair. Then apply a thermo-protective treatment to protect them from the heat of the iron. Separate the wicks with tweezers. You are finally ready to do the curls!

How to curl your hair with a straightener?

There is nothing simpler. Place your straightener 4 or 5 centimeters from the roots (if they are long, otherwise 1 or 2 cm). Pinch a wick between the plates, and then wrap it twice around the plate. Then, slowly work your way down the strand, tilting the straightener slightly towards you. And There you go! You have a nice curl. But, make sure to use the hair straightener properly so that it doesn’t damage your hair.