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Remote Eye Screening May Help Diabetics

Based on research findings from a recent study, eye clinics are able to assist patients with diabetes to identify eye issues prior to causing serious damage to the eyes and resulting in blindness. 

If you are facing vision problems, then you can take your eye screening test via at home.

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Researchers discovered that basic eye tests performed by non-specialists that don't increase the pupil are accurate in diagnosing early signs of eye problems related to diabetes which is known as diabetic retinopathy. 

This test offers an efficient, quick, and cost-effective means to determine if a patient has diabetes retinopathy according to the doctors.

With the proper camera, staff at clinics as well as technicians can securely and effectively detect changes without the help of expert eye doctors. This cuts down on the time required to dilate drops, which can obscure vision for hours after the exam.

A little earlier this year, a study found that 30% of people who suffer from diabetes over 40 years of age suffer from diabetic retinopathy. Four percent of that group are so severely affected that their vision is at risk.

If it is detected early in the stage, good control of blood sugar can help slow the progression and laser treatments can help prevent blindness. There is no evidence that screening will result in better results. The experts suggest that diabetics seek out an eye specialist each year to detect asymptomatic issues prior to causing harm to their eyes.

To determine if remote clinics really are the answer to reaching out to those who haven't visited an eye doctor, will reevaluate results from studies that examine the quality of eye examinations using eye clinics with what experts will conduct.