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Dental Implant The Complete Treatment Plan In Alexandria

Dental implants are the process of replacing teeth. A suitable new tooth that a human has lost is an accident or disease. People prefer dental implants that can't chew food. However, this will change with dental implant treatment.

During this process, the natural teeth or roots are replaced. It is attached to the jawbone to support the teeth that are replaced for better chewing of food. So you can enjoy your favorite flavors and foods. You can also look for the best dental implant in Alexandria, VA via

dental implant

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Type of implant

Endosteal implant –

This is a dental surgical implant to the jawbone. After the gums heal, a second operation is performed to connect the column to the original implant. Then the denture is attached to a prosthetic bridge or ladder.

Subperiosteal Implants –

This is a metal frame that attaches to the jawbone under the gum tissue. Then, the rod is attached to the frame and protrudes towards the gum, where the denture is attached.

Dental implant procedures

The process is painless but requires a dentist's effort. They are dental professionals who work precisely in the dental implant field and are also members of the dental implant team.

Professionals have experience in this field only because of the knowledge, training, and all the facilities available at the clinic. Dentists take care of dental implants, they know very well where and how they are made, depending on the specific condition of the patient, the implant is chosen, etc.