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Growth in Cloud Security Market With Rise of Threats

A market research firm confirmed a strong forecast development. In particular, it predicts that revenue from cloud-based security services will skyrocket. The latest forecast is that the market will triple by 2023.

With many types of cloud platforms and security solutions using a cloud approach, research analysts estimate that the top priorities for enterprise clouds are web security, identity management, and email security.

Additionally, they predict that the sectors that will experience the highest growth rates next year will include tokenization, encryption, and cloud-based firewalls. To get more insights into cloud security, one can hop over to 

In this way, the cloud computing market as a whole is growing rapidly and will continue to grow. Many studies predict that more than 50% of server workloads will be virtualized in the cloud. Also, they estimate that the total market size will exceed $125 billion. This tremendous growth may be due to the massive increase in hackers and threats to the cloud.

The cloud comes with many threats and problems. Smart hackers and cyber attackers use sophisticated methods to infiltrate companies from the inside, without most people realizing it. Advanced hackers are already using their own social media accounts or employees' computers. The malicious application is then installed on the employee's computer and then used to launch a massive attack on the company network.

In addition, sensitive information is constantly leaked and altered through e-mail exchanges, using sophisticated viruses that anti-virus software does not detect on employees' computers. Hackers mainly focus on companies with the biggest gold mines of valuable information, such as banks and health care organizations. 

In summary, leveraging cloud services can revolutionize one's enterprise for ultimate mobility and efficiency. Similarly, Cloud services are powerful enough of a platform that they can also become your enterprise's Achilles heel if not implemented and used appropriately as well.