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Why Botox Treatment is More Popular in Portland

Aging has always been a major concern for everyone. As people age, wrinkles begin to show their faces, making them age. Today, because of the high stress levels and undisciplined lifestyle, many people look older than their actual age.

One of the factors that contribute most to their age looks, is wrinkles on the face. Botox treatment has proven to be of great help to these people. In this article we will learn about different aspects of Botox treatment. If you want to get more information about the botox treatment then you can visit at

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Botox is a quick and easy way to remove facial wrinkles. It is particularly effective for the treatment of wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. The method involves injecting controlled doses of Botox in areas that should be treated.

The treatment is painless and takes less than half an hour to complete and the results are instantaneous. Because of these reasons, it has become very popular around the world and millions of people have successfully undergone this treatment.

Dentists who facilitate this service, defends their motion arguing that they are already involved in cosmetic dentistry and Botox should be considered an extension of the same. In addition, it involves the injection process and the use of injections is related to dentistry, therefore, Botox treatment also belongs to the branch of dentistry.