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Supervising Working At Height

Every aspect of working at height by workers is covered by the Work at Height Regulations of 2005. These regulations allow for the planning and mitigation of accidents, education of employees, as well as the correct use of equipment and tools designed for working in high-risk situations. To reduce the risk, you can join the work at height course via

The regulations also include surveillance, which is essential to ensure safety in the place. The importance of supervisors who are dedicated to safety cannot be undervalued. Each year across we suffer hundreds of accidents resulting from falling from heights and dropping objects. In many of the incidents, workers weren't following safety standards in their everyday tasks. 

The ability to perform the work

Equally important to the knowledge of the rules is an understanding of the task being carried out. It's useless for a supervisor's knowledge of the nuts and bolts of regulations when he doesn't know how to apply them to the specific task that is at the moment. 

Attention to Attention to

Monitoring work at heights requires the same attention to detail that is required in other jobs. The supervisor has to constantly be able to monitor and evaluate the actions of the workers to ensure that they're adhering to safety guidelines. 

The rescue operations are just an area where the majority of safety officials in companies aren't doing their job properly. 

They believe that the proper planning and safety practices will greatly minimize the chance of accidents. This is true, and it's so, however it's impossible to prevent every single incident.