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Shower Water Filter Benefits You Can Not Afford to Ignore

The shower head water filter protects you from washing your hair, face,  and body with harmful chemicals. Using quality filters removes these unwanted and harmful contaminants from the water available to consumers every day.

You may not know it, but tap water can contain high levels of chlorine, lead, toxic chemicals, and microbial organisms. With a water filter available at, you can now filter these substances from the water you use at home and in the bathroom . 

This device leaves natural, healthy minerals in your water but removes all harmful substances, including volatile organic chemicals (VOCs); trihalomethanes (THMs) such as chloroform; MTBE; Garden; and even Cryptosporidium.

Using a water filter for bathing and showering at home offers a number of health benefits for your entire family.

Of course, it will be a relief to know that you are now showering only with fresh, clean water.

In addition, you will find that you have softer, healthier skin and shinier, healthier hair due to the removal of chemicals and toxins.

A shower filter can relieve dry and itchy skin problems that you or other family members may be experiencing. Many people with eczema or atopic dermatitis report that their attacks are significantly reduced because clean water does not cause irritation.

You will also notice a reduction in soap scum and hard water buildup. Your body and hair will be cleaner when the shower is over, and this improved hygiene means better health and appearance.