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Preventing Sexual Harassment Liability in the Workplace

Employers can be held liable for any sexual harassment occurring in the workplace. However, if they take reasonable care to prevent and correct harassment cases, they would not be liable. The following article looks at the elements of fair treatment that will greatly reduce the risk of sexual harassment liability.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

The sexual harassment training that explains sexual abuse and its impact on the workplace environment is very important to prevent abuse and must be provided on an ongoing basis.

Written Policy

The policy should explain what sexual harassment means. It should give a variety of examples that explains different forms of sexual harassment. It should be explained that the intention of the harasser’s intent does not decide whether the conduct is sexual harassment.

Whether the behavior is sexual harassment depends on how the victim experiences it, not how the perpetrator intended to harass. It should state that male and female workers can be victims of sexual harassment by harassers of either gender.