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Is It Possible To Treat Vertigo With Physical Therapy?

Vertigo sufferers experience dizziness and headaches when their heads move. They often have disabling headaches and find it difficult to carry out daily tasks. They may also experience nausea and vomiting, especially when they get up in the morning.

Benign positional vertigo can be described as vertigo, dizziness, and other symptoms that are caused by disorders of the vestibular systems. Hypersensitivity in the brain's balancing system can lead to confusion and cause the primary problem. You can also get vestibular physiotherapy in Downtown Edmonton via InStep Physio.

Vestibular Therapy: 7 Reasons It Doesn't Work - Dr. Kim Bell, DPT

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Semicircular canals can be very sensitive to the movement of inner hair cells. This is because the input from the organ of Corti, which maintains your body posture and balance, can cause dizziness, vertigo, and headaches with sudden and mild head motion.

While doctors and healthcare professionals may recommend medication and pharmacological intervention, there is no cure for benign positional vertigo. In most cases, however, physical therapy has been effective in managing vertigo caused by inorganic causes.

Physical therapy exercises are designed to help your body recognize different types of head movement. Physical therapy exercises are used to treat vertigo caused by the movement of calcium crystals and bony fragments within the inner ear. 

This helps reduce the frequency and duration of episodes. When there is no other cause for vertigo, physical therapy exercises are the best option.

Because therapy's goal is to move or re-lodge the inner ear crystals, Sermons Maneuvers and Epley Maneuvers can be performed in a doctor's office. Your therapist will tilt your head at various angles during Epley or Sermon maneuvers.