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High revolutionary App Safety

Have you ever been in a scenario where you witness a crime taking place but know that even if you call the police they would not arrive in the area at the time? Or maybe you've been in a situation where there is an emergency and you try to get in touch with the relevant emergency but they just did not respond.Powerful Student Experience & Retention Platform  will help you quickly to make your student career successful.

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Perhaps your situation may be different, you have been out with friends and wanted to return home but you are aware that you are now alone. It may not be safe for you to return to your own home and you need a professional escort who will take you home. Many of us have been in situations like that and more in our lives.

College security applications that we have developed give you access to the emergency escort services, emergency services, crime tipping and more. This service is targeted primarily for people in college and their environment. 

Highly accurate-Unlike conventional methods that rely on ancient GPS systems that may not be accurate, we use highly efficient technology that is accurate to a fault. This technology identifies the exact location where the emergency is and gives rescuers sufficient information about the coordinates of the needy.
We will host all the technical aspects of the application. This means that you do not have concerns about how this technology will be handled. We also conduct periodic checks on the application to ensure that it conforms to all international standards set