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Guide to Dental Implants

What's the surgery time for Dental Implants and How many appointments are involved?

After my research on the appointment and surgery times, I've reached the conclusion that it definitely depends on the implant procedure that you are interested in. However, I was surprised to find out that for many of these procedures, there is a very short waiting period, a very short surgery time, and a fair short recovery time.

There are so many dental implants clinic in Bankstown.

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Here's a list of some very common dental implant procedures:

Single Tooth Implants – For single tooth replacement. The insertion of a single titanium dental implant followed by the attachment of a single crown.

Fixed-Bridge on Implants – For two or more teeth missing. Involves the insertion of two dental implants spread across two, three, or four teeth. This is followed by the attachment of a fixed bridge spanning two, three, or four teeth.

Over-denture – Almost like the All-on-Four implant option but uses two implants instead of four and can still be removed with the assistance of a dental professional. For people who have lost all or the majority of their teeth.

All-on-Four™ Dental Implant Procedure – This is the most drastic dental implant procedure. Involves the placement of four titanium dental implants either on the top or bottom of the jaw bone and are followed by the construction and attachment of a fixed denture that essentially acts like a new set of natural teeth.