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Company Liability: Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Rewards

Sexual favoritism falls under the fall under the hostile environmental category of federal laws that regulate harassment and discrimination at work.  This type of harassment occurs when employees, who submit to a manager or supervisor’s sexual demands, are rewarded by that manager or supervisor. It is important to note however, that the wronged party is not the one who submitted, but those who did not and are denied the benefits of the submission.

Online sexual harassment prevention training

The online courses provide business with alternative training methods that save time and money. Employees are trained at their desk or workstation, and can practice anytime. Businesses no longer need to lose production time for major training seminars, or hire expensive consultants or lock into the specified training schedule. Online training is also cost-effective; Per employee cost around $ 25 or less for each employee.

How has the court ruled in these cases?

  • Isolated events and non-coerced submission to sexual demands have not been upheld by the courts as sexual harassment.
  • The employer may be held liable for unlawful sex discrimination against other persons who were qualified for but were denied that employment opportunity or benefit.
  • Supervisors may also be held liable.

Court Case

Astra AB, a Swedish company, admitted it allowed a hostile work environment including requests for sexual favors in exchange for favorable treatment – for women at its U.S. headquarters in Westboro, Massachusetts.

Award: $9,850,000 in monetary damages

For more on other types of Sexual Harassment, read about Quid Pro Quo or Sexual Harassment by Non-Employees.