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3M Paint Protection Film For Cars

3M's protective varnish film is designed for one purpose – protection. This stops the rashes and painted chips that always lead to rust and expensive paint bills. There are different versions: more economical, thinner, or better protection.

The newest variant is self-healing. This means that a professional person can use heat to repair, remove minor scratches, scraps, and damage. For more information about 3 protective films, you can look at this website.

3m protective film

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Protect your car with 3M protection in Edmonton

Your car is a good investment. Therefore, you do everything necessary to keep it in good shape. Check parts regularly, add fluids, and take them to a service shop.

Unfortunately, painting your car is under threat every time you drive. Stone chips from passing cars, acid from insects, and scratches from other drivers are all worn while painting your car.

3M Protection in Edmonton keeps your car paint fresh. 3M paint protection is a transparent film we apply to your car to protect the finish. Technicians can install it in a variety of locations including:

  • Veils, roofs, and trunks that protect your paint from trees and bird droppings

  • Bumpers and mirror backs that protect your paint from tar, small stones, and insects

  • Perforated door edges and handles that protect your car from scratches on keys and rings

  • Rocker arms that protect your car from rocks, sand, and gravel